Welcome to Vector Puzzles!

Welcome to Puzzle Baron's Vector Puzzles! We've got thousands and thousand of unique puzzles here for you to solve. You can play for fun, or register a free account and compete against other players for the Vector Puzzles Hall of Fame!

How to Play

The puzzle grid consists of a series of numbered black squares. Your task is to draw arrows starting from each of these black squares in such a way so that the total number of white squares covered by arrows emanating from any black square equals exactly the number displayed. Arrows can go up, down, left or right, but can never cross another arrow. You must also fill every empty square on the grid with one arrow segment. Each puzzle has only one unique solution, and each can be solved using pure logical deduction.

Click/touch any numbered black square and drag up, down, left or right to start drawing an arrow in that direction. You can drag on existing arrow tips to increase/decrease their size, or drag the tip back to its originating black square to remove it completely from the grid.

Tips and Hints

Rules of Play

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Why Register a Free Account?

You'll never have to register an account to play on this site, but there are several reasons you may want to play as a registered user:

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Competition Timer
  • Tritium Tritium set a new record of 64 seconds on puzzle #26600
    December 8, 2024, 12:53 am
  • Tritium Tritium set a new record of 97 seconds on puzzle #27155
    December 8, 2024, 12:48 am
  • Tritium Tritium set a new record of 65 seconds on puzzle #26390
    December 8, 2024, 12:40 am
  • Tritium Tritium set a new record of 77 seconds on puzzle #28205
    December 8, 2024, 12:36 am
  • Tritium Tritium set a new record of 55 seconds on puzzle #27412
    December 8, 2024, 12:25 am
  • Tritium Tritium set a new record of 98 seconds on puzzle #26570
    December 8, 2024, 12:15 am
November's Winners